Two faculty members of UMA win a place among the top one percent scholars of the world

 | Post date: 2016/02/3 - 10:38 | 

Two faculty members of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili win a place among the top one percent scholars of the world.

Associate Professor Dr. Ahmad Youseffian Darani, the vice-chancellor for executive affairs of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, made it clear that according to the Thomson’s Science Citation (ISI-ESI) database, Prof. Dr. Hossein Shayeghi and Prof. Dr. Abbas Nejati, the faculty members in the Electrical Engineering and Mathematical Departments (respectively) of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili won a place among the top one percent scholars of the world.


According to the report, the center begins to provide a list of the world’s top scientists based on the last ten- year activities and citations of the researchers and every two months updates the data according to the latest developments in the International Science Networks.

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