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Uma Mission

AWT IMAGEUniversity of Mohaghegh Ardabili's Mission

University of Mohaghegh Ardabili (UMA), which is named after the honor of Ardabil’s great scholar Allameh Mohaghegh Ardabili, is a public university for training and research in the variety of areas of Basic Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, New Technologies, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

It is the most prominent academic institution in the region with more than 11000 students and 610 faculty and staff members which is distinguished by its quality of research and training. According to some national and international formal reports, it is one of the fastest-growing universities in Iran.

Within a climate that is inclusive, open, and diverse, UMA is, and will continue to be, the University of Choice for students seeking high quality. UMA will keep on in its attempt to build a foundation for civic responsibility, individual skills, and professional success.

The mission of our university is to shape creative and critical personalities in students and define the directions of development in science and technology. We intend to contribute to the integral development of our students and consequently to the human race, by offering a higher education of excellence, especially for the talented youth who come from socially deprived areas. The university aims to prepare students for leadership, service, and faith-informed discernment in a global society. The mission is materialized by our attempt to prepare specialists in various domains of science and culture, to generate new knowledge aiming at the economical and social progress.