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Uma Mission



AWT IMAGEUniversity of Mohaghegh Ardabili's Mission

Our Mission


The mission of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili is to help students succeed in life and to live a life of significance through education, so in fact, to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.



  • the encouragement of a questioning spirit in students
  • an extensive range of academic subjects in all major subject groups
  • quality and depth of provision across all subjects
  • the close inter-relationship between teaching, scholarship, and research
  • strong support for individual researchers as well as research groups
  • residence in Mohaghegh Ardabili as central to most courses
  • education which enhances the ability of students to learn throughout life

The University's relationship with society

  • the widest possible student access to the University
  • the contribution which the University can make to society through the pursuit, dissemination, and application of knowledge
  • the place of the University within the broader academic and local community
  • opportunities for innovative partnerships with business, charitable foundations, and healthcare
  • concern for sustainability and the relationship with the environment

The Collegiate University

  • the relationship between the University and the colleges as fundamental to the nature of Mohaghegh Ardabili
  • the interdisciplinary nature of the Universities as a major stimulus to teaching and learning
  • the enhanced quality of experience for students and staff through University membership

University staff

  • recognition and reward of the University's staff as its greatest asset
  • the encouragement of career development for all staff

Other activities

  • the opportunities for broadening the experience of students and staff through participation in different activities