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Members of Academic Board - Reza Abazari

:: Sections List ::
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Journal Referee
1) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (Elsevier)
2) Applied Mathematics and Computation, (Elsevier)
3) Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (Springer)
4) Computers and Mathematics with Applications, (Elsevier)
5) Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung A, (De Gruyter)
6) Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, (Elsevier)
7)International Journal of Computer Mathematics, (Taylor & Francis)
8) Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (Hindawi)
9) Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, (Taylor & Francis)
10) Computers & Fluids, (Elsevier)
11) International Journal of Thermophysics, (Springer)
12) Journal of Modern Optics, (Taylor & Francis)
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