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Members of Academic Board - Behadad Moatafaiy

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Published articles
Mostafaiy, B. and Faridrohani, M.R., 2015. Functional varying coefficient model with time-independent covariate and longitudinal response. Journal of Data Science, 13(3).
Mostafaiy, B., Faridrohani, M.R. and Hosseininasab, S.M.E., 2016. An RKHS framework for sparse functional varying coefficient model. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 14(3), pp.311-325.
Mostafaiy, B. and Faridrohani, M.R., 2017. Least Squares Parameter Estimation for Sparse Functional Varying Coefficient Model. Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 16(3), pp.337-344.
Abravesh, A., Ganji, M. and Mostafaiy, B., 2018. Estimation of reliability P (X> Y) for distributions with power hazard function based on upper record values. Mathematical Population Studies, pp.1-20.
Abravesh, A., Ganji, M. and Mostafaiy, B., 2018. Classical and Bayesian estimation of stress-strength reliability in type II censored Pareto distributions. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, pp.1-26.
Latifi-Navid, H., Latifi-Navid, S., Mostafaiy, B., Jamalkandi, S.A. and Ahmadi, A., 2018. Pneumococcal disease and the effectiveness of the PPV23 vaccine in adults: A two-stage bayesian meta-analysis of observational and RCT reports. Scientific reports, 8.
Mostafaiy, B., FaridRohani, M. and Chenouri, S., 2018. Optimal estimation in functional linear regression for sparse noise-contaminated data. Canadian Journal of Statistics, to appear.
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