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Members of Academic Board - Majid Rahro Zargar

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Published articles
1- M. R. Zargar and H. Zakeri, On injective and Gorenstein injective dimensions of local cohomology modules, Algebra Colloquium,  (2015), 935-946. 
2- M. R. ZargarLocal cohomology modules and Gorenstein injectivity with respect to a semidualizing module, Arch. Math. (Basel), 100, (2013), 25-34.
3- M. R. ZargarOn the relative Cohen-Macaulay modules, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 14, No.3, (2015).
4- M. Rahro Zargar and Hossein  Zakeri, On flat and Gorenstein at dimensions of local cohomology modules, Canad. Math. Bull. Vol. 59 (2), (2016) pp. 403–416.
5- M. Rahro Zargar, O. Celikbas, M. Gheibi and A. Sadeghi, Homological dimensions of test-rigid modulesKyoto Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 58, No 3, (2018), 639-669.
6- F. Hassani, B. Jalali and M. Rahro ZargarThe derived category analogue of some results in local cohomologyCirc. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser (2016).
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