Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Moghan Campus)
The Junior College of Moghan was founded with an enrollment of 60 students in 1981. Since 2011 it has qualified into the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources and currently there are 11 fields of study in a variety programs offered in the faculty. The faculty enjoys vicinity with the great Kesht-o-Sanat Moghan project which part of its land is awarded to UMA through a national agreement for research purposes.
The Junior College of Moghan was founded with an enrollment of 60 students in 1981. Since 2011 it has qualified into the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources and currently there are 11 fields of study in a variety programs offered in the faculty. The faculty enjoys vicinity with the great Kesht-o-Sanat Moghan project which part of its land is awarded to UMA through a national agreement for research purposes.