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Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology
This faculty was separated from the Faculty of Humanities in 2012 and began its academic activities with 31 faculty members; 6 full professors, 11 associate professors, 13 assistant professors and 1 lecturer.  The departments are as follows:
Department of Psychology
Department of Sport Sciences
Department of Educational Sciences

There are 20 fields of study as follows:
  Bachelor Programs
1 General Psychology
2 Clinical Psychology
3 Sport Sciences
4 Counseling
  Master Programs
1 General Psychology
2 Clinic Psychology
3 Counseling/School
4 Counseling/Career
5 Counseling/Rehabilitation
6 Counseling/Family
7 Educational Studies
8 Sport Sciences- Sport Physiology/Applied Sport Physiology
9 Sport Sciences- Sport Physiology/Pure Exercise Physiology
10 Education and Human Resources Development
11 Sport Management
12 Educational Psychology
13 Psychology of Exceptional Children Education
  PhD Programs
1 General Psychology
2 Physiology and Sport Sciences/Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology
3 Educated Management
There are currently 1017 students enrolled in the programs offered by the faculty and 370 students are graduated in the 2015-16 academic year.